Keely Copeland

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Breaking the Streak

Writing is, for me, a devotional practice. I show up with an intention and that intention is to connect with something greater than myself.

I subscribe to the Liz Gilbert school of creativity, where she talks about creativity as a mystical and magical process, capable of bringing great joy to the creator. No suffering artist here. I’m in it to feel good.

And, for the last two days, I have been devoted to enjoying a vacation with the hubbalicious. I thought maybe I’d write. That I’d wake up early and keep my streak going.

But, instead, I chose breakfast.

Then some lounging.

Then signing us up for the hotel’s free photo session and appreciating having a good-natured, “I can’t believe this is what my wife’s making me do on vacation but I’ll roll with it,” husband.

Then having a blast while we received cues in a language I don’t understand and Sam cracked me up.

Then walking on the beach and drinking tea and dinner-ing and doing whatever else felt right in the present moment. Moment to moment, hour to hour.

Relaxing. Unwinding. Connecting.

In the process, I broke my 44-day publishing streak. A streak I was getting pretty proud of, by the way.

And isn't that wonderful? Wasn’t it so kind of the Universe to give me a gentle and delightful opportunity to break my streak before I became rigid about it? Thanks Universe, per ush. I love the many ways you have my back.

So, no deep musings today. Just gratitude for time with my husband in a beautiful setting.

I’ll be traveling a lot between now and February and I anticipate plenty of mornings where I don’t publish anything. I hope to keep up my general momentum because I am thoroughly captivated and delighted by this practice, but just a heads up in case I don’t.

Wishing you a day filled with gratitude and delight, with the chance to do whatever feels right in the present moment,

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