Keely Copeland

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Thanksgiving Heart Claps

From my weirdo family to yours.

Me and my 18-month younger “twin”

My brother Shrek is convinced that he and I are twins, despite being born 18 months apart.

“I just stayed in there longer to bake more,” he’ll say. “That's why I’m so tall.”

The other reason he gives for being tall is his childhood bedroom. It didn’t have heat or air conditioning vents, “So in the winter, I’d go into a coma to protect myself from the arctic air and get a lot of rest. Then when summer came, I’d have all that energy stored up and I’d expand in the heat.”

My brother Thor, conversely, had heat, A/C and our mother’s love and affection. Therefore, by Shrek logic, it makes sense that he didn’t end up as tall. But Thor is clinging to hope. He drives with his seat so far back that he can barely touch the pedals. “I want to be ready when my growth spurt finally comes,” he’ll say. He’s 28.

Wolfgang, the youngest, wisely looks to Sam, “the older brother he never had,” for medical advice. Which is smart, because I recently got a text from Shrek that said:

“I just ate a dinner comprised of 6 different steaks, two duck dishes, and four pork dishes. I feel great. My chest hurts a little, but that’s just my heart clapping a celebratory cheer for the delicious meal.”

So anyway, just a brief post today to let everyone know:

  1. I’m very concerned about the state of health education in the US

  2. I hope your Thanksgiving is delicious and any post-gorge chest pains are just “heart claps”

  3. My family is my favorite.

More pictures with my “twin”

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