Keely Copeland

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Gentle Being

Photo by Tomas Jasovsky on Unsplash

It feels like it’s been quite a while since I put my fingers on the keyboard and asked if any ideas wanted to play.

And it probably has been. I haven’t been particularly “do-ing-y” lately.

I’ve been more focused on the “being” side of the spectrum.

Gentle being, specifically.

Floating in the ocean. Greeting the sunrise with my feet in the soft, soft sand. Receiving an “is this even healthy for my body?” amount of massages (living in Asia has its perks).

And remembering.

Remembering that I’m allowed to choose gentle.

That I’m allowed to ask for it. To prioritize it. To say no to things that are not it.

And I can’t control the outcome, of course. None of us can.

I could have asked for gentle until I was blue in the face and gotten a, “Nope, sis. Not a gentle season. Learn to enjoy the fire.”

And I would have. I would have found a way to celebrate the fire.

But instead I got a yes. My petition was granted.

And a softness has returned to my being.

And do you know what?

It’s meant that I haven’t met goals that were kinda sorta arbitrary in the first place.

It’s meant that I haven’t hit the ground running finding my tribe in Hong Kong.

It’s meant that the number of unanswered messages in my inboxes went from staggering to comical.

Because prioritizing one thing means de-prioritizing other things. If you want to keep your sanity, at least.

But most of us are taught that we’re failing if we don’t keep every ball up in the air at the same time. Prioritizing everything. All the time. Urgently.

How the elders would laugh if we were wise enough to consult them.

Wishing you ruthless prioritization,


Morning Musings is a delight-first writing practice where I wake up, put my fingers on the keyboard and “learn in public” (credit: Liz Gilbert). The delightful humans who read these musings tend to see them as an invitation to slow down, have a virtual cup of coffee together, and contemplate the human experience. If you’d like to join our crew…

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