Tired of feeling blah?

A six-week transformation program to help you regain vitality, confidence and inner peace

Know anyone who’s burned out? Languishing? Struggling with high-functioning depression?

Who doesn’t? We’re emerging from a global pandemic and it sometimes feels like the world is imploding. Simply existing can be rather exhausting at the moment.

There’s no reason to hide it if you’re feeling depleted. Drained. Tapped out. It’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of.

However, it’s also unpleasant. Who wants to feel that way? Who doesn’t want to shift into a more energized, engaged, vital way of being? To feel peaceful and content? To feel secure, like the world is a safe place?

I know I want that. Badly. So badly that I dedicate significant time, energy and resources on a daily basis to feeling that way. And, fortunately, I’ve found ways that work for me. Most days, I wake up energized, eager to greet the new day. Most nights, I go to bed peaceful and content, happy with how I’m spending my time on Earth.

For years, however, that wasn’t the case. I struggled with addiction, depression and general blah-ness. My addiction was non-functional, so I had to take extreme measures to address it (how does a year in rehab while the rest of your friends are graduating from college sound?), but my depression was highly-functional. I went to work, I maintained relationships, I traveled frequently. From the outside, my life even looked enviable.

But on the inside? I struggled to get out of bed most days. Being a human on Earth felt more like a chore than a privilege.

And, in a twist of fate that was very painful at the time but makes perfect sense now, conventional treatments didn’t work for me. Talk therapy? Made me feel worse. Antidepressants? All side effects, no benefits.

This twist of fate meant that I had to explore alternative paths to find solutions that worked for me. Paths like ancient wisdom traditions and shamanism.

And I got lucky. So, so lucky. I found solutions that worked. I regained my vitality, my joie de vivre, my delight. These days, I’m tickled pink to be here on Earth in human form.

When the Universe presented me with the chance to take an extended sabbatical, I used the opportunity to train in Shamanic Energy Medicine and quickly discovered that everything I learned while healing myself is imminently useful to others struggling with the same thing.

So, as I’ve begun to niche down in my Shamanic Energy Medicine practice, I’ve begun focusing on people who are struggling with feeling blah. Usually people who have a life that looks enviable on the outside. People like me when I was in the thick of it—people whose peers would be shocked to learn that they struggle to drag their exhausted corpse out of bed in the morning.

The offering I’ve put together is called “A Satisfied Mind.” It’s a six-week transformation program to help you regain vitality, confidence and inner peace.

I want to help people shift from feeling run-down and depleted to energized and engaged. Like they can set goals and trust that they’ll have enough energy to pursue them. Like they can rejoin the land of the living and actually feel excited to go out and do things…instead of feeling like everything is just one more chore that requires energy they don’t have.

If that sounds like you, let’s talk. Or, if it sounds like someone you know, please share this with them.

What is the program?

This is a six-week one-on-one transformation program that uses Shamanic Energy Medicine to help people regain vitality, confidence and inner peace.

We focus on the energy piece because that’s essential to making the shift. You’re a literate adult living in the 21st century. You know that you should be exercising, eating right, prioritizing relationships, and doing things that fill your cup.

What you don’t know: how to do those things when your cup is so empty that you can barely get out of bed in the morning. A session on the Peloton? Sounds nice, but with what energy?? A night out with friends? You know you should but your couch is right there. You’re so exhausted that a night zoning out in front of Netflix while scrolling mindlessly through your phone is wayyy more appealing.

This is a short-term intervention to help you restore your vitality so that you can get back to the habits and routines that keep you well. I am staunchly opposed to people beating themselves up over all the things they should (gross) be doing instead of cutting themselves a break. Having no energy is hard. Don’t make it worse by comparing yourself to people who do have energy. Instead, focus on getting your energy back.

In this program, we connect virtually over Zoom. Each session is split between 1) working together as detectives (I act as a partner, helping you crack your personal well-being code) and 2) energy work. In the energy work portion, you rest and receive while I clear out stagnant, stuck energy and replace it with vibrant, vital energy.

If you’re new to Shamanic Energy Medicine and want to understand how it works, please refer to the summary in this blog post or books by my teacher, Alberto VIlloldo.

I wish that I could give you a tidy explanation and capture the essence of the practice in a few pithy sentences, but the truth is I can’t. I don’t fully understand how this works—I just know that it does. It’s a mystical practice. It’s not meant to be summed up tidily with words. It’s meant to be experienced.

Key things to understand

I am not a therapist. I will not help you talk through your trauma or verbally unpack your inner world. I’m not trained in that and believe in leaving it to the professionals.

I am not a coach. While I will put my recovery coach background to use in the detective work portion of our sessions, there won’t be a ton of accountability-style coaching. If you need someone to hold you accountable, I can help you brainstorm ideas, but I can’t fill that role. It’s not a good fit for me.

What I do offer is:

  1. Weekly support in cracking your well-being code based on your personal situation—no generic suggestions

  2. Shamanic Energy Medicine

  3. Peer support (I’ve been through all of this myself)

  4. A safe and confidential space

The goal: get you back to a place where you have the energy to follow through with your personal well-being formula so that you can 1) wake up energized, eager to greet the new day and 2) go to bed peaceful and content, happy with how you’re spending your time on Earth.

The price

This 6-week program will likely cost between $1,500 to $3,000 when it officially launches. However, I’m still in the development stages, so I currently have a “make me an offer” model.

In exchange, I ask program participants to commit to tracking their results so that I can fine-tune the week-by-week flow and share case studies when we’re done. I’ve already taken enough people through the program to feel confident in its transformative power. However, I’ve never done it in a structured 6-week format, so I’m looking for people who will be understanding as we work out the best flow.

You help me make the program as good as it can possibly be, I help you at a discounted rate—hopefully a win-win for everyone!

Interested? Have questions?

Send me a note.