Did you enjoy something I wrote or find it helpful? Here are some things you can do that would make my heart sing.

1. Tell me :) Comment, send me a note, engage in any way that feels good to you. I’m like an eager puppy who wants a pat on the head and an “atta boy.” I pour a lot of time, energy, love and devotion into writing/publishing/website-ing and it feels so good (so, so good) when someone tells me they like one of my posts or got something useful from it.

2. Sign up for my email list. The hubbalicious is the world’s best celebrater and we celebrate every new subscriber. When 3 people I don’t even know (!!!!!) signed up, I got a massage. Then, because we live in a funny world, this happened:

3. Share my content freely. Forward posts to friends who would enjoy them or share them on your social media. I’ve had friends ask if it’s okay to do so and the answer is YES! Strong yes. There’s no greater compliment.

4. Follow me on Instagram.

5. Send friends or family my way for shamanic sessions (especially if people you love are struggling with burnout or high-functioning depression—those are my specialties!)

6. Pass along interesting opportunities. I’ve had friends arrange speaking opportunities, host me for incredible workshops, invite me to facilitate or co-facilitate events, and even had ambitious college students offer to be my intern. I’m in awe of connectors and always grateful to be thought of.

7. If you see obvious things I should be doing, tell me! For example, I didn’t know that I could share a link in an Instagram story and was doing an outdated workaround. My friend Rosemary told me there was an easier way and it made me so happy.

8. Send good vibes. Think, “Hmm, I hope that Keely has a wonderful life. In fact, I hope all beings everywhere have a wonderful life.” If you’re in need of some good vibes, let me know and I’ll happily send some your way.