Keely Copeland

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Bodily Functions

Photo by A. L. on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, I met a lawyer who chose to take a break from practicing law. She intends to go back one day, probably sometime next year. She enjoys law. She likes what she did and would be happy to practice again.

But she was wildly out of balance and needed to remedy that.

When she stepped away from law for a non-time-constrained sabbatical, she had lost touch with her body.

She lived so completely in her head that she had no idea what was going on below the neck.

“I didn’t even know if I was hungry or needed to pee,” she told me.

And she’s sorted it out. Through somatic work and other body-focused practices, she now lives fully in her body. She knows when she’s hungry. She knows when she needs to pee. She now cherishes movement just as much as she cherishes logic.

She lives an integrated life these days. Her mind and body work together, instead of her mind running the show while her body withers in neglect.

That’s all. Just a few words today to share another human’s triumph. I met a woman who wanted to become embodied. She prioritized it. She succeeded.

Isn’t it so nice when that happens?

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