Celebrating a win

Hello, beloved humans who grant me a few moments of your attention each time you read one of my posts,

I wanted to share a win with you. A heart-expanding, ahhhh-this-feels-so-good win.

One that has me floating.

Yesterday, one of my friends reached out to me in response to what I’ve been writing about over the last few days.

We chatted a bit about envy and how interesting it is.

Then she said the words that turned my heart into a supernova:

“Your honesty in your writing helps me to be gentler with myself. To forgive myself more easily. To remember that none of us is perfect and that we can be great without being perfect.”

So here I am, all puddle-y sap, feeling like this practice where I share my unpolished inner world with the 82 people who have granted me permission to email them each morning…that it’s working. That it’s not just creating a sense of meaning and purpose in my life, not just helping me feel the way I want to, but also having some ripple effects. Doing a little bit of good in the world.

And this lil’ writer’s heart is going to be mushy for quite some time thanks to my friend’s generous feedback.

Thank you, dear friend. I appreciate you greatly.



The stories we tell ourselves


Update: I forgot to mention that Julie’s hilarious