#245: Least Valuable (Finishing) Player

If Human Design is real (and I believe it is), you should never put me on your team if you’re looking for a finisher.

Because I am, by design, going to let you down.

I’m not built to wrap things up, to complete, to get things across the finish line.

I’m built to start.

To get things going. To provide the initial lift energy essential to any project.

Take the charity I started, for example. I believe, deep in my writer’s heart, that I was the right person to get it off the ground.

But when it came to running it—tending to the day-to-day, staying in compliance, keeping the boat afloat—eeek.

Groan City. (You can read about it in my “playing with fire” musing or any of the 700 musings from 2022 about burnout.)

And here’s why I find Human Design liberating: it teaches you how to embrace these truths about yourself.

Do you read any of this and pick up on a single drop of guilt, shame, or remorse about not being a finisher?

Because I sure as heck don’t.

Human Design teaches you your strengths—the gifts your soul chose for this lifetime, the ones that make you most likely to live your purpose with radiant, vibrant, high-octane life satisfaction. Fulfillment, if you will.


I’m here to be the team member who asks, “What would it look like if this were easy?”—then pursues that path.

Because sometimes… sometimes, it doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it. I saw an Instagram post over the weekend that said, “If you want to change the world, start enjoying being alive,” and it hit every truth receptor I have in this glorious, meat-and-bone, embodied sack of goo.

I enjoy being alive. And the work I do helps other people enjoy being alive.

And boy, am I grateful for the circumstances that enable that. Thanks, hubbalicious and Universe and Gus and shamanism and sabbatical and Asia and writing and Liz Gilbert and…

You catch the drift.


Your friend who found words pouring out of her this morning—but only after she woke up at 5:00 AM with a busy, churning mind and then got out of bed and spent an hour doing things she loves.

P.S. Are you a Manifesting Generator like me? Here’s what my first teacher had to say about the role we’re here to play: “Manifesting Generators are here to lift us all up out of the heavy and hard, to show us that success can only be reached with happiness, playfulness, and joy.”

P.P.S. If you want a Human Design reading when I return to work after my maternity leave (date TBD), let me know.

P.P.S. "If you want to change the world, start enjoying being alive" via the lovely Saša Dedić


Morning Musings is a delight-first writing practice where I wake up, put my fingers on the keyboard and see if any ideas want to play. The delightful humans who read these musings tend to see them as an invitation to slow down, have a virtual cup of coffee together, and contemplate the human experience. If you’d like to join our tribe, subscribe here: https://keelyc.substack.com/


#246: No one cares.


My Great Passion in Life