My Great Passion in Life
My name is Keely, and I am someone who goes through the world with a pretty strong sense of self.
If you ask me what I like, I can tell you. If you ask me what I dislike, I have a ready answer.
If you want to know what I want for Christmas, I’ve gotchu. (Massage gift certificates, friends. Carrying a Copeland-sized baby?! Goodness.)
And so, for a long time, I felt pretty set in my identity.
“Modern mysticism” felt like a decent label to encapsulate the things that make my heart soar.
I love writing. I love studying Earth’s wisdom traditions. My work revolves around entering a mild trance state on others’ behalf. I’ve yet to find a psychedelic I can’t get behind. I’ve intentionally built a business and life that give me the freedom to take three-hour walks daily, so I have plenty of time to commune with nature.
Hippy. Trippy. Wild-woman-esque.
But do you know what makes my heart soar these days?
I don’t wake up eager to put my fingers on the keyboard and clickity-clack away (though that urge is returning, thank you, Gus [Great Universal Spirit]).
Instead, I wake up eager to vacuum.
Yes, vacuum.
The friendly mind-snatchers at Instagram (aka the advertising team) convinced me that a dust mite vacuum would change my world, and it turns out… they were right.
So now, at 36 weeks pregnant, my great passion in life is seeing how much dust lives in our possessions.
And, like, not in a mild way.
I’ve probably spent ninety minutes vacuuming today. I have a Ziploc bag full of dust sitting on our kitchen counter so I can show Sam how much dust I sucked up JUST FROM OUR BRAND NEW BEDDING when he gets home.
And I’m freakishly possessive of this particular household task.
The lovely, kind, incredible woman who helps around the house while I’m at my waddling peak (🤞) — she’d gladly take vacuuming off my plate.
But she can’t because she doesn’t know this particular vacuum exists. I keep my precious tucked away, saving all the dust mite sucking glory for myself.
This is 36 weeks pregnant, folks.
One of my friends told me that WHILE IN LABOR, she insisted on scrubbing the bathtub like her life depended on it and couldn’t be convinced to leave it alone.
Evolving identities.
Shifting senses of self.
Funny things, one and all.
Your friend who furtively vacuums while ignoring the four hundred and seventy-two more important things I could and probably should be tending to. Shrug.
Morning Musings is a delight-first writing practice where I wake up, put my fingers on the keyboard and see if any ideas want to play. The delightful humans who read these musings tend to see them as an invitation to slow down, have a virtual cup of coffee together, and contemplate the human experience. If you’d like to join our tribe, subscribe here: