"Busy Is Not a Badge of Honor." - Carl Richards

As a human, I hate being busy, but I love being active.

Does that nuance land for you? Do you know what I mean when I open a musing with those words?

Probably not. Sam says that roughly 10% of what comes out of my mouth makes sense, which is why writing is so important to me. All this space to dive in and explore.

When I say I hate being busy, I mean I hate having loads of things on my calendar that I “have to” do. (“Have to” is in quotes because it’s kind of made up anyway. Do you know what any of us really have to do? Drink some water every three days or so. All that other pressure to do, do, do? It’s just conditioning.)

But I also love being active, which means that when I have freedom of choice, I generally do a lot of things.

So it essentially boils down to the obligation piece—for me, at least.

I know this isn’t true for everyone. Years ago, I was flabbergasted when I shared my deep adoration of a wide-open calendar, and someone told me that she doesn’t work that way. When she has nothing on her calendar, she feels adrift. Rudderless. Unmoored. A fully open day is crippling for her, the same way a tightly packed calendar is kryptonite for me.

Isn’t being human so fascinating?

I thought I had loads to say on this subject, but I’ve run out of steam five minutes in, so I’ll wrap this up.

Today is my birthday, which means the sun is currently in the same position it was at the time of my birth.

According to the Gene Keys and Human Design, that means the next four days will have a lot of “busy” energy across the planet. The gift of my birth sun is “great vigor” (aka my love of being active). The shadow of my birth sun is “mindless busy-ness” (aka my deep abhorrence of being busy).

Your sun has that too, BTW—a gift and a shadow. And your chart spells it out for you. It’s like a handy little cheat sheet for being your happiest, healthiest, most fulfilled self.

Wild, right?

Happy sun in Gate 34 to my fellow Human Design and Gene Keys nerds.


Morning Musings is a delight-first writing practice where I wake up, put my fingers on the keyboard and see if any ideas want to play. The delightful humans who read these musings tend to see them as an invitation to slow down, have a virtual cup of coffee together, and contemplate the human experience. If you’d like to join our tribe, subscribe here.


On Knowing Nothing


And So It Goes