Keely Copeland

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Whatever she wants whenever she wants

The other day, Sam was describing me to one of his coworkers and he concluded by saying:

“My wife does whatever she wants whenever she wants.”

That was it. His summary of my essence was “Keely does whatever she wants whenever she wants.”

If you’re curious what I was doing before I sat down to write this…

I was out greeting the rising sun with a barefoot dance. 

So, yeah. I think Sam captured it. 

Moving forward, I would exclusively like to be introduced this way: “This is Keely. She does what she wants when she wants.”

I would particularly enjoy it if that statement is accompanied with a shrug and a facial expression that reads, “Yeah, we don’t know what to do with her either, but we think we kinda like it?”


Your doing-whatever-she-wants-whenever-she-wants-loving pal