Carney Thanksgiving

Served with a side of burns - Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash

I’m home for Carney Thanksgiving and in case anyone’s wondering how it’s going, this was the scene on the stairs this morning:

“Good morning, twins,” Shrek proclaimed, fully secure in his belief that we are, in fact, twins despite being born 18 months apart.

“You’re looking lovely this morning,” he continued.

“The way your hair is falling, you look EXACTLY like Danny DeVito when he wears a wig.”

Then he pushed past me on the stairs, running to retrieve his “morning greens” (M&M’s).

Moments later, everyone’s phones dinged. Thor had sent a group text.

“How Keely be looking today.”

So, anyway, I’m really flourishing. I can’t wait until the next time someone looks at me and says, “What celebrity do people say you look like? It’s someone, I just can’t put my finger on it.”

And, finally, I’ll be able to put their mind at ease: “Are you thinking of Danny DeVito when he wears a wig?”

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