Non-Traditional Returns

I spent (what I consider to be) a fair chunk of change to become a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner.

The number, of course, is relative.

Some of my friends spend more on a single day of vacation than I spent on my entire six-month training.

Other friends have to work for three months to take home the amount I spent.

Forget other friends–I personally had to work four months in my last job to take home the amount I invested. Four months! Oh, the non-profit industry. What a ride we’ve had.

But exploring relative spending power isn’t what I’m interested in. Frankly, there’s a part of me that’s saying, “Talking about money, Keely? Are you sure you want to go there?”

But here we are, talking about money. When your writing style is “sit down at the keyboard and ask an idea to pretty please flow through you because you believe that creativity is a way to connect with the Divine,” there’s a rather large element of surrender. This is the idea that wants to play today, so this is the idea that I’m exploring.

While talking about money isn’t particularly interesting to me, the idea of non-traditional returns is. And my shamanic energy medicine training is a place where I’m getting valuable non-traditional returns.

I live in a world where there’s a difference between an investment and an expense. The money I forked over to train in this mystical practice–it wasn’t an expense. It was an investment. (The money I fork over to buy Doritos, in contrast, is very much an expense.)

So, here I sit, eighteen months out from making a not-insignificant investment, in a space where I can mull it over.

Was it a good investment? Am I getting a return on it? Am I happy that Sam and I invested the money in me instead of in the stock market?

Can we pause here to admire how responsible I sound? Isn’t it so adult of me to be asking those questions? To be pondering our return on investment?

Then we’ll get to the truth (before Sam’s eyes roll out of his head): I’m not asking myself any of those questions. I don’t give two flying hoots if our money would have made more in the stock market.

Because the return I’ve gotten on my training–it’s not at all about my bank account.

Ever since I completed my shamanic energy medicine training, I’ve become a tremendous resource to my mom and my “twin” brother.

When either of them is feeling worn out, stuck, unsure or otherwise not 100%, they send me a message and ask for a session.

Fortunately, they’re both gluttons for shamanic sessions, so this happens frequently. (Shrek: “Hullo twins. This is your twin. I ate an M&M that I plucked out of the sewer and now my tummy is feeling rumbly. Shall we see if a shamanic session will help? Also, WHAT A LUCKY DAY! Can you believe no one else got to the free M&M before me?!”

As a result, my relationship with both is stronger than ever.

Shamanic energy medicine has given us a way to connect that I find deeply satisfying. At a critical time, I might add. I’m a phone-avoidant lass, given to letting phone calls and texts sit unanswered for weeks on end. Since I’m currently living countries away from my nearest and dearest, having a way to connect that I don’t avoid—it’s a big deal.

It’s also something I didn’t expect. I didn’t sign up for my course thinking that it’d deepen two of my most important relationships. I didn’t even know that my mom or brother would be interested in sessions. I signed up, following a thread of curiosity, then trusted in the unfolding. And what an unfolding it has been. 

So, thanks Universe for giving me an unexpected but very much appreciated gift.

Thanks also for synchronicities. In a particularly “Oh, Universe,” moment, I added this “the real return of my training” idea to my “strings to pull on” list yesterday around 1:00 pm. Then, around 5:00, I connected with a friend who’s contemplating making an investment that makes zero financial sense, but a ton of relational sense.

Unsurprisingly, I’m in favor.

So this morning, when I sipped my coffee and mused, I explored my personal experience making an investment that resulted in non-traditional returns. Valuable ones, at that. 

Sending love, as well as my apologies to all the people whose calls and texts I ignore. I’d say that I’m going to try to do better…but I prefer not to lie.

P.S. Please, please, please - if you’re currently contemplating making some kind of investment and factoring in non-traditional returns just pushed you over the edge, tell me! I believe in a Universe that actively conspires on our behalf and I’m curious if I got all these nudges to write about this topic for a reason.


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