Part of THE human experience or part of YOUR human experience?

Over the weekend, I hosted my first Human Design gathering.

Have you heard about Human Design? If you got a Christmas card from us, you’ve at least read those two words coupled together (Sam: “You use so many common words in such odd arrangements. And you do it without pausing. Like at Thanksgiving dinner when you talked about your ‘movement practice.’ That’s not how other people talk.”)

But anyway. Human Design is an astrologically-influenced system focused on increasing ease and flow in your life.

The Human Design system posits that there are five different energy types and that knowing your specific type helps you to get off the struggle bus. If you’re a Generator (the most common type) but you’re structuring your days the way a Manifestor ought to structure their days, everything is going to feel harder because you’re living out of alignment.

I was introduced to Human Design on a retreat in Costa Rica a few years ago. One of the other women did a mini Human Design reading on me. I was fascinated by how spot-on it seemed, but that was that. It was an obnoxiously complex system and I wasn’t interested enough to dive in deeper.

…until last year, that is. It kept popping up on my radar again and again, giving me little nudges. “There’s gold in here,” the clues would say, again…and again…and again. Finally, I threw up my hands and learned how to read charts.

Something happened at this weekend’s gathering that affirmed my decision to do so.

As we discussed the Manifesting Generator energy type (my type), a fellow Manifesting Generator in the group had an aha moment. “Wait a second,” she said. “You’re saying that this is only true for our type?!”

Something that she thought was a universal human experience was ONLY true for two of the Human Design energy types (Generators and Manifesting Generators).

How powerful is that? To have an aha moment and realize that something that you thought was true for ALL humans is only true for SOME of us.

I don’t know. Maybe this doesn’t sound like as big of a deal as I think it is. But to me – this is pure gold. Pure, pure, pure, PURE gold.

Imagine, for instance, that you have a child who’s a different energy type than you. You might assume that certain things are true for all humans. “If you want to succeed in life, buddy,” you might say while giving your little cub a pep talk, “You need to initiate.”

Problem is, that’s only true if your child is a Manifestor. If he or she isn’t, initiating is likely to create more resistance than flow (if Human Design happens to be real and any of this is accurate).

Similarly, you might tell your child that they need to “follow through no matter what,” which is basically the worst advice anyone can give a Manifesting Generator. (Same caveat.)

The reason Human Design hooked me is because I founded a business, then eventually hated running that business. Not because the business was bad or I was bad, but because I didn’t know how to run a business AND live in alignment. Those “universal human truths” that I was supposed to be following for the business to succeed – they were the exact opposite of what worked for me. So the more I tried to do what I was supposed to do, the more my life felt like a long ride on the struggle bus.

And, if I had known what I know now, I would have pulled the chart of every single team member so I could understand what was energetically correct for them. I was just as guilty of thinking that things that were true for me were also true for them…when they weren’t.

I have no idea if this is as fascinating to anyone else as it is to me. But this idea that there’s an easy roadmap to follow if you want to unlock ease and flow in your life…and that there’s also a guide to, “hey, this approach will make your life feel horribly hard and uncomfortable and you’ll meet resistance at every turn”…that’s a guide I want to see. 

Wishing you lots of ease and flow,


P.S. If you don’t get a Christmas card from us and you want one, send me your address.


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Not Knowing