Morning Musings
Welcome to my little corner of the wild, wild web.
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Group Dinners, Feeling Disconnected & Finding the Right Table
Or, how I learned to relax and not worry when I feel out of place
Dreaming the World Into Being
The shamanic practice of dreaming the world into being—and attempting to find a dream that’s good enough.
Burn It All Away
Feel stuck and need help getting unstuck? Try listening to my favorite song.
Stop Playing with Fire
Toughing out burnout isn’t noble. It’s hurting you and the people you love.
Wrinkles and the Power of Perspective
Premature aging ain’t got nothing on my nauseatingly optimistic outlook.
Feeling Burned Out? Consider Throwing Yourself on the Ground and Whining.
No, really. Whinge on. It helps.
What Are You Really Practicing?
How a devious childhood led to creative problem-solving skills…and why knowing what you’re actually practicing matters.
Authenticity > Palatability
What my family's cake battle can teach us about accepting responsibility for our own happiness (so we don't die full of regrets!)
Not Loving the Life You’ve Built for Yourself?
The three-step system Oprah’s favorite life coach swears by
The One Thing Elizabeth Gilbert Tells Every Aspiring Writer
Hint: How do you spend your best few hours each day?